Browsing by Author Ariffin, I.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | An evaluative study on mobile crowdsourcing applications for crime watch | Ariffin, I. ; Solemon, B. ; Wan Abu Bakar, W.M.L. |
2014 | Exploring the potentials of volunteered geographic Information as a source for spatial data acquisition | Ariffin, I. ; Solemon, B. ; Anwar, R.M. ; Din, M.M. ; Azmi, N.N. |
2014 | Information audit in electricity utilities: Roles, methodologies, issues and challenges | Ariffin, I. ; Latif, A.A. ; Faudzi, M.A. ; Shariff, S.S. ; Nadzir, M.M. |
2015 | Mobile platform for exploring the potential of volunteered geographic information for asset register | Solemon, B. ; Ariffin, I. ; Azmi, N.N. |
2013 | A preliminary evaluative study of the ElCIA: Integrated Information Audit framework for electricity companies | Shariff, S.S.M. ; Ariffin, I. ; Latif, A.A. ; Nadzir, M.M. |
2015 | UniCrime: A mobile solution for on campus crime reporting using volunteered geographic information | Ariffin, I. ; Hanif, M.F.M. ; Solemon, B. |