Browsing by Author Aris, H.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 34  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015An architecture for adhesive mobile crowdsourcing applicationAris, H. 
2018A comparative study of Smart Card design with Memory ciphering system on Arm-Based FPGAYaakob, W.F. ; Aris, H. ; Sampe, J. 
2005Compiler development in Component-oriented Software Development (COSD): Issues and challengesAris, H. 
2016Crowdsourcing evolution: Towards a taxonomy of crowdsourcing initiativesAris, H. ; Din, M.M. 
2009Current practice, problems and factors in COSD application a component users perspectiveAris, H. ; Salleh, F.H.M. ; Ibrahim, Z. ; Salim, S.S. 
2009Current state of component-oriented software development practice in Malaysia: Towards identifying its potential and research areasAris, H. ; Salim, S.S. 
2015Effective and efficient attendance tracking system using secret codeZhi, T.J. ; Ibrahim, Z. ; Aris, H. 
2015Effective and efficient attendance tracking system using secret codeZhi, T.J. ; Ibrahim, Z. ; Aris, H. 
2009Exploring the potential of component-oriented software development applicationAris, H. 
2017Exploring the potential of programmable button mouse in improving programmers efficiencyAzman, F. ; Aris, H. 
2011Framework for component model selectionAris, H. ; Salim, S.S. 
2015Improving students performance in introductory programming subject: A case studyAris, H. 
2008Issues on the application of component-oriented software development: Formulation of research areasAris, H. ; Salim, S.S. 
2015Local pricewatch information solicitation and sharing model using mobile crowdsourcingAris, H.