Browsing by Author Razali, N.M.M.

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Application of particle swarm optimisation in solving emission constrained economic dispatchRazali, N.M.M. ; Teh, Y.Y. 
2013Emission constrained economic dispatch by using stochastic optimisersRazali, N.M.M. ; Teh, Y.Y. 
2015Enhancing medium voltage electrical network configuration for the golden triangle of Kuala Lumpur MalaysiaIsmail, I.M.N. ; Razali, N.M.M. 
2008Evaluating the potential of solenoid motion system for electric vehicle -challenging the conventional usage of electric motorBahrin, S.Z.A.S.K. ; Razali, N.M.M. ; Jalal, T.S. ; Anisa, U. ; Amirulddin, U. 
2014Probabilistic analysis of solar photovoltaic output based on historical dataZulkifli, N.A. ; Razali, N.M.M. ; Marsadek, M. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2014Probabilistic analysis of solar photovoltaic output based on historical dataZulkifli, N.A. ; Razali, N.M.M. ; Marsadek, M. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2013Probabilistic evaluation of wind power generationRazali, N.M.M. ; Misbah, M. 
2013Sensitivity analysis of GA parameters for ECED problemKamil, K. ; Razali, N.M.M. ; Teh, Y.Y. 
2015Voltage collapse risk index prediction for real time system's security monitoringAminudin, N. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Razali, N.M.M. ; Marsadek, M. ; Ramli, N.M. ; Yassin, M.I. 
2015Voltage collapse risk index prediction for real time system's security monitoringAminudin, N. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Razali, N.M.M. ; Marsadek, M. ; Ramli, N.M. ; Yassin, M.I.