Browsing by Author Ghafar Ismail, A.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 20
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Evaluation on time performance for public bus service in West klang valley | Norhisham, S. ; Katman, H.Y. ; Ismail, N. ; Abd Halim, S.N.N. ; Ismail, A. ; Borhan, M.N. |
2010 | The subprime mortgages crisis and Islamic securitization | Hanim Kamil, K. ; Abdullah, M. ; Shahimi, S. ; Ghafar Ismail, A. |
2018 | UV-vis spectroscopy: A new approach for assessing the color index of transformer insulating oil | Leong, Y.S. ; Ker, P.J. ; Jamaludin, M.Z. ; Nomanbhay, S.M. ; Ismail, A. ; Abdullah, F. ; Looe, H.M. ; Lo, C.K. |
2018 | Verification, validation and evaluation for quality of services of expert system for bus | Norhisham, S. ; Khalid, N.H.N. ; Isa, N.A.M. ; Ismail, A. ; Borhan, M.N. |
2018 | Volatile organic compound analysis by sorbent tube-thermal desorption-gas chromatography: A review | Khan, M.F. ; Sahani, M. ; Nadzir, M.S.M. ; Yik, L.C. ; Hoque, H.M.S. ; Abd Hamid, H.H. ; Wahab, M.A. ; Munna, F.T. ; Amin, N. ; Misran, H. ; Akhtaruzzaman, M. ; Maulud, K.N.A. ; Juahir, H. ; Ghazali, A. ; Ismail, A. |