Showing results 1 to 20 of 42
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010 | A 6-kW, 2-kWh lithium-ion battery energy storage system using a bidirectional isolated dc-dc converter | Tan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. |
2016 | A non-electrolytic-capacitor low-power AC-DC single-stage SEPIC-Flyback LED converter | Ahmad, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. |
2016 | A robust modified model predictive control (MMPC) based on Lyapunov function for three-phase active-front-end (AFE) rectifier | Parvez, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. |
2008 | An energy storage system combining a 320-V, 12-F electric double layer capacitor bank with a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter | Tan, N.M.L. ; Inoue, S. ; Kobayashi, A. ; Akagi, H. |
2015 | An improved active-front-end rectifier using model predictive control | Parvez, M. ; Mekhilef, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. |
2015 | Battery energy storage system for PV output leveling based on bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter | Singh, R. ; Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Tan, N.M.L. |
2014 | Battery Energy Storage System for PV Output Power Leveling | Singh, R. ; Taghizadeh, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2012 | Design and performance of a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter for a battery energy storage system | Tan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. |
2015 | Design of a 27-level cascaded converter as FACTS device for voltage sag mitigation | Nikouei, B. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Younis, M.A.A. |
2018 | Design of a battery-ultracapacitor hybrid energy-storage system with power flow control for an electric vehicle | Tan, B.K. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. |
2014 | DTC-SVM based on PI torque and PI flux controllers to achieve high performance of induction motor | Rashag, H.F. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Koh, S.P. ; Abdalla, A.N. ; Chong, K.H. ; Tiong, S.K. |
2014 | DTC-SVM based on PI torque and PI flux controllers to achieve high performance of induction motor | Rashag, H.F. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Koh, S.P. ; Abdalla, A.N. ; Chong, K.H. ; Tiong, S.K. |
2014 | Dynamic voltage restorer using the combination of fuzzy logic and EPLL control strategies: An optimized implementation | Taghizadeh, S.F. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Nikouei, B. ; Younis, M.A.A. |
2009 | Energy storage system combining a 320-V, 12-F electric double layer capacitor bank with a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter | Kobayashi, A. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Inoue, S. ; Akagi, H. |
2012 | Experimental discussion on a 6-kW, 2-kWh battery energy storage system using a bidirectional isolated DC/DC converter | Abe, T. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Akagi, H. |
2013 | Experimental discussions on operating frequencies of a bidirectional isolated DC-DC converter for a battery energy storage system | Tan, N.M.L. ; Abe, T. ; Akagi, H. |
2017 | Experimental Verification of a Battery Energy Storage System for Integration with Photovoltaic Generators | Singh, R. ; Taghizadeh, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Mekhilef, S. |
2013 | High performance of space vector modulation direct torque control SVM-DTC based on amplitude voltage and stator flux angle | Rashag, H.F. ; Koh, S.P. ; Chong, K.H. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Abdalla, A.N. |
2013 | High performance of space vector modulation direct torque control SVM-DTC based on amplitude voltage and stator flux angle | Rashag, H.F. ; Koh, S.P. ; Chong, K.H. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Abdalla, A.N. |
2012 | Improved close loop stator flux estimation of direct torque control drive | Rashag, H.F. ; Koh, S.P. ; Abdalla, A.N. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Chong, K.H. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Jaber, A.S. |