Browsing by Author Ramesh, S.

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 50  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Calcination effects on the sinterability of hydroxyapatite bioceramicsTan, C.Y. ; Tolouei, R. ; Ramesh, S. ; Yap, B.K. ; Amiriyan, M. 
2002Current challenges & trends of interactive multimedia in enhancing engineering educationSidhu, M.S. ; Selvanathan, N. ; Singh, D. ; Ramesh, S. 
2012Densification and mechanical properties of Y-TZP/25 wt. % ZrB2 compositeMahdi, E.M. ; Ramesh, S. ; Amiriyan, M. ; Tolouei, R. ; Meenaloshini, S. ; Teng, W.D. 
2011Densification behaviour and properties of manganese oxide doped Y-TZP ceramicsRamesh, S. ; Amiriyan, M. ; Meenaloshini, S. ; Tolouei, R. ; Hamdi, M. ; Pruboloksono, J. ; Teng, W.D. 
2002Development of interactive multimedia in teaching engineering materialsRamesh, S. ; Tan, W.C. ; Sidhu, M.S. 
2016Effect of Attritor Milling on Synthesis and Sintering of Forsterite CeramicsTan, Y.M. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ramesh, S. ; Teh, Y.C. ; Wong, Y.H. ; Yap, B.K. 
2014Effect of calcination on the sintering behaviour of hydroxyapatiteThe, Y.C. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ramesh, S. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Tan, Y.M. ; Chandran, H. ; Teng, W.D. ; Yap, B.K. 
2014Effect of Copper Oxide and Manganese Oxide on Properties and Low Temperature Degradation of Sintered Y-TZP CeramicKhan, M.M. ; Ramesh, S. ; Bang, L.T. ; Wong, Y.H. ; Ubenthiran, S. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Misran, H. 
2016Effect of forsterite addition on the densification and properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramicRamesh, S. ; Virik, N.S. ; Bang, L.T. ; Niakan, A. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Yap, B.K. ; Teng, W.D. 
2008Effect of manganese oxide on the sintered properties and low temperature degradation of Y-TZP ceramicsRamesh, S. ; Meenaloshini, S. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Chew, W.J.K. ; Teng, W.D. 
2014Effect of sintering holding time on lowtemperature degradation of yttria stabilized zirconia ceramicsSutharsini, U. ; Ramesh, S. ; Wong, Y.H. ; Misran, H. ; Yusuf, F. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Teng, W.D. 
2015Effect of sintering holding time on the properties and low-temperature degradation behaviour of manganese oxide-doped Y-TZP ceramicKwa, S.M. ; Ramesh, S. ; Bang, L.T. ; Wong, Y.H. ; Kelvin Chew, W.J. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Misran, H. ; Teng, W.D. 
2017Effects of anodisation parameters on thin film properties: a reviewWong, Y.H. ; Affendy, M.G. ; Lau, S.K. ; Teh, P.C. ; Lee, H.J. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ramesh, S. 
2012Effects of ramp rates with short holding time on the sinterability of hydroxyapatiteSamuel, L.K.L. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ramesh, S. ; Yap, B.K. ; Tolouei, R. ; Amiriyan, M. 
2015Effects of two-step sintering on the properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramicRamesh, S. ; Gan, C.J. ; Bang, L.T. ; Niakan, A. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Purbolaksono, J. ; Chandran, H. ; Yap, B.K. ; Teng, W.D. 
2013Estimation of oxide scale growth and temperature increase of high (9-12%) chromium martensitic steels of superheater tubesHamzah, M.Z. ; Yeo, W.H. ; Fry, A.T. ; Inayat-Hussain, J.I. ; Ramesh, S. ; Purbolaksono, J. 
2013Estimation of oxide scale growth and temperature increase of high (9-12%) chromium martensitic steels of superheater tubesHamzah, M.Z. ; Yeo, W.H. ; Fry, A.T. ; Inayat-Hussain, J.I. ; Ramesh, S. ; Purbolaksono, J. 
2010Facile preparation and characterizations of potential low-cost nanostructured materials for energy gas storageMisran, H. ; Aminuddin, A.M. ; Zini, F.A.M. ; Ramesh, S.