Browsing by Author Zakaria, A.

Showing results 1 to 10 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Alkaline-treated cocoa pod husk as adsorbent for removing methylene blue from aqueous solutionsPua, F.L. ; Sajab, M.S. ; Chia, C.H. ; Zakaria, S. ; Rahman, I.A. ; Salit, M.S. 
2016Chemical and thermal properties of purified kenaf core and oil palm empty fruit bunch ligninHashim, S.N.A.S. ; Zakaria, S. ; Chia, C.H. ; Pua, F.L. ; Jaafar, S.N.S. 
2011Comparative studies of products obtained from solvolysis liquefaction of oil palm empty fruit bunch fibres using different solventsFan, S.-P. ; Zakaria, S. ; Chia Chin-Hua, C.-H. ; Jamaluddin, F. ; Nabihah, S. ; Liew, T.-K. ; Pua, F.-L. 
2011Direct production of biodiesel from high-acid value Jatropha oil with solid acid catalyst derived from ligninPua, F.-L. ; Fang, Z. ; Zakaria, S. ; Guo, F. ; Chia, C.-H. 
2012Erratum: Direct production of biodiesel from high-acid value Jatropha oil with solid acid catalyst derived from lignin (Biotechnology for Biofuels (2011) 4 (56))Pua, F.-L. ; Fang, Z. ; Zakaria, S. ; Guo, F. ; Chia, C.-H. 
2006Measurement of thermal parameter using non-contact photopyroelectric methodZakaria, A. ; Sang, L.H. ; Abbas, Z. ; Yunus, W.M.M. ; Hassan, J. 
2016Methanolysis on extracted sapfrom inner and outer part of core oil palm trunk using phosphomolybdic acid and aluminium sulphateJahar, N.A. ; Mostapha, M. ; Wong, J.C. ; Jaafar, S.N.S. ; Pua, G. ; Zakaria, S. ; Chia, C.H. 
2011Nano transition metal sulfide catalyst for solvolysis liquefaction of soda ligninPua, F.-L. ; Chia, C.-H. ; Zakaria, S. ; Neoh, S.-K. ; Liew, T.-K. 
2013Solvolytic liquefaction of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibres: Analysis of product fractions using FTIR and pyrolysis-GCMSPua, F.L. ; Zakaria, S. ; Chia, C.H. ; Fan, S.P. ; Rosenau, T. ; Potthast, A. ; Liebner, F. 
2017Utilization of Core Oil Palm Trunk Waste to Methyl Levulinate: Physical and Chemical CharacterizationsAbu Jahar, N. ; Pua, F.-L. ; Chyi, W.J. ; Mostapha, M. ; Zakaria, S. ; Chia, C.H. ; Syed Jaafar, S.N.