Browsing by Author Khan, N.A.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Calculating customer experience management index for telecommunication service using genetic algorithm based weighted attributesKhan, N. ; Akram, M.U. ; Shah, A. ; Khan, S.A. 
2014Characterisation of insulated Cu wire ball bondingLeong, H.Y. ; Yap, B.K. ; Khan, N. ; Ibrahim, M.R. ; Tan, L.C. ; Faiz, M. 
2012Development of insulated Cu wire ball bondingLeong, H.Y. ; Mohd, F.Z. ; Ibrahim, M.R. ; Kid, W.B. ; Khan, N. ; Kar, Y.B. ; Tan, L.C. 
2011Effect of Ge4+ and Mg2+ doping on superconductivity, fluctuation induced conductivity and interplanar coupling of TlSr 2CaCu2O7-δ superconductorsAli Yusuf, A. ; Yahya, A.K. ; Khan, N.A. ; Salleh, F.M. ; Marsom, E. ; Huda, N. 
2014Insulated Cu wire free air ball characterizationLeong, H. ; Yap, B. ; Khan, N. ; Ibrahim, M.R. ; Tan, L.C. 
2014Manufacturability readiness of insulated Cu wire bonding process in PBGA packageHungyang, L. ; Boonkar, Y. ; Yong, T.C. ; Khan, N. ; Ibrahim, M.R. ; Tan, L.C. 
2014Stitch bond strength study in insulated Cu wire bondingLeong, H.Y. ; Yap, B.K. ; Khan, N. ; Ibrahim, M.R. ; Tan, L.C. ; Faiz, M.