Browsing by Author Khan, R.A.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A low-cost first-order sigma-delta converter design and analysisYa, M.L. ; Khan, S. ; Nordin, A.N. ; Alam, A.H.M.Z. ; Omar, J. ; Al-Khateeb, K.A.S. ; Islam, M.R. ; Naji, A.W. 
2006Communication system for controlling smart appliances using power line communicationKhan, S. ; Islam, R. ; Khalifa, O.O. ; Omar, J. ; Hassan, A. ; Adam, I. 
2006Data transfer over a low voltage power line for data acquisition and monitoring of electrical appliancesKhan, S. ; Omar, J. ; Khalifa, O.O. ; Islam, M.R. ; Adam, I. ; Hassan, A.B. 
2009Design of ultra wideband slotted microstrip patch antennaPing, L.C. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Khan, R.A. 
2011Impulse-ultra wideband (I-UWB) rectangular patch antenna with notched ground planePing, L.C. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Khan, R.A. 
2009Small UWB printed antenna with slotted ground planeKhan, R.A. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ping, L.C.