Browsing by Author Radzi, N.A.M.

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 58  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010A multidrop optical network testbed for EPON platformMajid, M.S.A. ; Din, N.Md. ; Jamaludin, Md.Z. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Mustafa, I.S. ; Radzi, N.A.M. ; Sadon, S.Kh. 
2015A new dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for fiber wireless networkRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Rawi, N.I.M. ; Abdullah, F. ; Ismail, A. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. 
2012A PIC implementation of upstream transmission for EPONRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Majid, M.S.A. 
2012A PIC implementation of upstream transmission for EPONRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Majid, M.S.A. 
2017A review on sensor node placement techniques in wireless sensor networksAbidin, H.Z. ; Din, N.M. ; Radzi, N.A.M. ; Rizman, Z.I. 
2014A study of quality of service in the universal DBA algorithm using a PIC-based EPON testbedRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Sadon, S.K. ; Majid, M.S.A. 
2014A study of quality of service in the universal DBA algorithm using a PIC-based EPON testbedRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Sadon, S.K. ; Majid, M.S.A. 
2016Affine versus projective transformation for SIFT and RANSAC image matching methodsRedzuwan, R. ; Radzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Mustafa, I.S. 
2013Analysis of Delay Performance on the Intelligent Fuzzy Logic Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation AlgorithmRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Mustafa, I.S. ; Majid, M.S.A. 
2013Approaches in dynamic bandwidth allocation in passive optical network systemsDin, N.M. ; Radzi, N.A.M. ; Sadon, S.K. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. 
2013Approaches in dynamic bandwidth allocation in passive optical network systemsDin, N.M. ; Radzi, N.A.M. ; Sadon, S.K. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. 
2015A compact rectangular patch ultra wideband antenna with WLAN and ITU band rejectionsJalil, Y.E. ; Kasi, B. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Radzi, N.A.M. 
2010Delay analysis of DBA using fuzzy logic for upstream EPONRadzi, N.A.M. ; Md. Din, N. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Mustafa, I.S. ; Abd. Majid, M.S. 
2013Deterministic static sensor node placement in wireless sensor network based on territorial predator scent marking behaviorAbidin, H.Z. ; Din, N.M. ; Radzi, N.A.M. 
2013Deterministic static sensor node placement in wireless sensor network based on territorial predator scent marking behaviorAbidin, H.Z. ; Din, N.M. ; Radzi, N.A.M. 
2015Dynamic bandwidth allocation EPON surveyRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Sadon, S.K. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. 
2015Dynamic bandwidth allocation EPON surveyRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Sadon, S.K. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. 
2017Effects of varying fiber length towards packet delay in Passive Optical NetworkRadzi, N.A.M. ; Ridwan, M.A. ; Abdullah, F. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Abidin, H.Z. 
2009Efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for upstream EPONRadzi, N.A.M. ; Din, N.M. ; Al-Mansoori, M.H. ; Mustafa, I.S. ; Sadon, S.K.