Browsing by Author Jalil, Y.E.

Showing results 1 to 12 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015A compact rectangular patch ultra wideband antenna with WLAN band-rejectionJalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Kasi, B. 
2015A compact ultra wideband antenna with band-notched designJalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Kasi, B. 
2013Circuit modeling for UWB-MIMO antenna arrayKasi, B. ; Jalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. 
2015A compact CPW-fed ultra wideband antenna with time domain analysisKasi, B. ; Jalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabaty, C.K. 
2015A compact rectangular patch ultra wideband antenna with WLAN and ITU band rejectionsJalil, Y.E. ; Kasi, B. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Radzi, N.A.M. 
2013A compact ultra wideba.nd antenna with dual ba.nd-notched designJalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Kasi, B. 
2013A compact ultra wideband antenna with WiMax band rejection for energy scavengingJalil, Y.E. ; Kasi, B. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. 
2012A compact wideband microstrip antenna intergrated with band-notched designJalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Kasi, B. 
2015A low mutual coupling design of UWB arrayKasi, B. ; Jalil, Y.E. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. 
2013Multi-objective Optimization (MOO) approach for sensor node placement in WSNAbidin, H.Z. ; Din, N.M. ; Jalil, Y.E. 
2013Multi-objective Optimization (MOO) approach for sensor node placement in WSNAbidin, H.Z. ; Din, N.M. ; Jalil, Y.E. 
2018Pole tilt monitoring system using MEMs accelerometer and beaglebone blackDe Yong, L. ; Radzi, N.A.M. ; Jalil, Y.E.