Browsing by Author Dawson, M.D.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Active-matrix GaN micro light-emitting diode display with unprecedented brightnessHerrnsdorf, J. ; McKendry, J.J.D. ; Zhang, S. ; Xie, E. ; Ferreira, R. ; Massoubre, D. ; Zuhdi, A.M. ; Henderson, R.K. ; Underwood, I. ; Watson, S. ; Kelly, A.E. ; Gu, E. ; Dawson, M.D. 
2017GaN based μlED drive circuit for Visible Light Communication (VLC) with improved linearity using on-chip optical feedbackZuhdi, A.W.M. ; McKendry, J.J.D. ; Henderson, R.K. ; Gu, E. ; Dawson, M.D. ; Underwood, I.