Browsing by Author Sulaiman, N.B.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Application of time domain reflectometry technique in detecting water tree degradation within polymeric-insulated cableAriffin, A.M. ; Kuan, T.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Illias, H.A. 
2018Optimization of energy management system for fuel-cell hybrid electric vehicles: Issues and recommendationsSulaiman, N. ; Hannan, M.A. ; Mohamed, A. ; Ker, P.J. ; Majlan, E.H. ; Wan Daud, W.R. 
2000Review on policies, research & development in microelectronic industry in MalaysiaAhmad, I.B. ; Sulaiman, N.B. 
2011Signal analysis to detect water tree location in polymeric underground cablesKuan, T.M. ; Mohd Ariffin, A. ; Sulaiman, S. 
2011Wave propagation characteristics of polymeric underground cablesKuan, T.M. ; Ariffin, A.Mohd. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Thayoob, Y.H.Md.