Browsing by Author Cheah, A.Y.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Effect of plasma cleaning process in the wettability of flip chip PBGA substrate of integrated circuit packagesAmin, N. ; Cheah, A.Y. ; Ahmad, I. 
2008Effect of treated silver nanoparticles to electrical conductivity improvement of electrically conductive adhesive (ECA)Kornain, Z. ; Amin, N. ; Jalar, A. ; Cheah, A.Y. ; Ahmad, I. 
2008The effect of clean and no-clean flux in enhancing the wettability of eutectic solder bump flip chip PBGAAmin, N. ; Cheah, A.Y. ; Kornain, Z. ; Ahmad, I.