Browsing by Author Zain, A.S.M.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Application of taguchi method with the interaction test for lower DIBL IN WSix/TiO2 channel vertical double gate NMOSKaharudin, K.E. ; Salehuddin, F. ; Zain, A.S.M. ; Aziz, M.N.I.A. ; Ahmad, I. 
2016Electrical characterization of different high-k dielectrics with tungsten silicide in vertical double gate nmos structureKaharudin, K.E. ; Salehuddin, F. ; Soin, N. ; Zain, A.S.M. ; Aziz, M.N.I.A. ; Ahmad, I.