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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment 2013 (ICEE 2013) | Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Bin Shamsuddin, A.H. ; Bin Ahmad, I. ; Bin Mohamed Desa, M.N. ; Bte Md Din, N. ; Bte Mohd, L. ; Hamid, N.A. ; See, O.H. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Yong, L.C. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Mei, G.S. ; Bin Abdullah, F. ; Satgunam, M. |
2014 | A comparative study of the Z-N, adaptation law and PSO methods of tuning the PID controller of a synchronous machine | Kasilingam, G. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2015 | A review of process and operational system control of hybrid photovoltaic/diesel generator systems | Mohammed, A. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Khatib, T. ; Elmenreich, W. |
2014 | Auto tuning of PID controller of a synchronous machine connected to a linear and non linear load | Kasilingam, G. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2014 | Automatic power factor correction using a harmonic-suppressed TCR equipped with a new adaptive current controller | Obais, A.M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2012 | Automatic power factor correction using a modified statcom as a continuously controlled capacitive static VAR compensator | Obais, A.M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2014 | Battery Energy Storage System for PV Output Power Leveling | Singh, R. ; Taghizadeh, S. ; Tan, N.M.L. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2016 | BBO algorithm-based tuning of PID controller for speed control of synchronous machine | Kasilingam, G. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2013 | Building automation: Photovoltaic assisted thermal comfort management system for energy saving | Khan, M.R.B. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Shaaya, S.A. |
2013 | Combined heat and power (CHP) economic dispatch solved using Lagrangian relaxation with surrogate subgradient multiplier updates | Sashirekha, A. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Moin, N.H. ; Tan, C.S. |
2005 | Control strategies for damping of subsynchronous modes of oscillations | Pasupuleti, J. |
2015 | Coordination of PSS and PID controller for power system stability enhancement - overview | Kasilingam, G. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2016 | Data from renewable energy assessments for resort islands in the South China Sea | Basir Khan, M.R. ; Jidin, R. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2013 | Demand response impact on market operator's revenue and load profile of a grid connected with wind power plants | Tahmasebi, M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2011 | Design of a continuously controlled linear static Var compensator for load balancing and power factor correction purposes | Obais, A.M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2013 | Design of a three-phase statcom-based inductive static VAR compensator using DC capacitor voltage control scheme | Obais, A.M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2014 | Design of an almost harmonic-free TCR | Obais, A.M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2014 | DFIG wind-turbine modeling with reactive power control integrated to large distribution network | Banawair, K.S. ; Pasupuleti, J. |
2017 | Electricity demand uncertainty modeling using enhanced path-based scenario generation method | Tahmasebi, M. ; Pasupuleti, J. |