Browsing by Author Razali, N.M.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Case studies on suppression of multimodal electromechanical oscillations by statcom's supplementary controllerRazali, N.M. ; Ramachandaramurthy, V.K. ; Mukerjee, R.N. 
2009Impact of tangential burner firing angle on combustion characteristics of large scale coal-fired boilerRazali, N.M. ; Boosroh, M.H. ; Hasini, H. ; Shuaib, N.H. 
2013Preliminary evaluation of atomization characteristics of improved biodiesel for gas turbine applicationKumaran, P. ; Gopinathan, M. ; Razali, N.M. ; Kuperjans, I. ; Hariffin, B. ; Hamdan, H. 
2014Robust model for weather-related contingency probability estimation used for risk based security assessmentAminudin, N. ; Marsadek, M. ; Ramli, N.M. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Razali, N. 
2014Robust model for weather-related contingency probability estimation used for risk based security assessmentAminudin, N. ; Marsadek, M. ; Ramli, N.M. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Razali, N.