Browsing by Author Mohamed Sahari, K.S.

Showing results 1 to 16 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Comparison between genetic algorithm and electromagnetism-like algorithm for solving inverse kinematicsAbed, I.A. ; Koh, S.P. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Yap, D.F.W. 
2012Comparison between genetic algorithm and electromagnetism-like algorithm for solving inverse kinematicsAbed, I.A. ; Koh, S.P. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Yap, D.F.W. 
2016Conceptualization of a Collaborative Decision Making for Flood Disaster ManagementZubir, S.N.A. ; Thiruchelvam, S. ; Mustapha, K.N. ; Muda, Z.C. ; Ghazali, A. ; Hakimie, H. ; Abdul Razak, N.N. ; Mat Isa, A.A. ; Hasini, H. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Husin, N.M. ; Rusli, M.E. ; Sabri Muda, R. ; Sidek, L.M. ; Basri, H. ; Tukiman, I. 
2009Continual improvement and assessment plan for Mechanical Engineering Programme in UNITENAnuar, A. ; Shuaib, N.H. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Abidin, I.Z. 
2011Design and development of A 4-dof SCARA robot for educational purposesMohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Weng, K.H. ; Han, Y.W. ; Anuar, A. ; Baharuddin, M.Z. ; Mohideen, S.S.K. 
2015Development of magnetic wheeled boiler tube inspection robotAbdul Jalal, M.F. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Anuar, A. 
2017Development of Ultrasonic Crack Detection System on Multi-diameter PIG RobotsMazraeh, A.A. ; Ismail, F.B. ; Khaksar, W. ; Sahari, K. 
2017Development of Ultrasonic Crack Detection System on Multi-diameter PIG RobotsMazraeh, A.A. ; Ismail, F.B. ; Khaksar, W. ; Sahari, K. 
2014Hybrid renewable power system for agriculture irrigation systemAlnaimi, F.B.I. ; Chu, Y.C. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. 
2009Implementation of a new Preference Based Final Year Project title selection system for undergraduate engineering students in UNITENHasan, M.H. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Anuar, A. 
2011On-line adaptive fuzzy switching controller for SCARA robotMarwan, A. ; Nagi, F. ; Sahari, K. ; Hanim, S. ; Fadi, I. 
2015Optimization of multi-layer welding of titanium alloyAhmed, Y.M. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Khidhir, B.A. ; Ishak, M. 
2013Real-time on line tuning of fuzzy controller for two-link rigid–flexible robot manipulatorsMarwan, A. ; Farrukh, N. ; Sahari, K. ; Hanim, S. 
2012RLF and TS fuzzy model identification of indoor thermal comfort based on PMV/PPDHomod, R.Z. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. 
2014Robotic arm control based on human arm motionTze How, D.N. ; Keat, C.W. ; Anuar, A. ; Mohamed Sahari, K.S. 
2015Trajectory Tracking Controller for flexible robot armAli, M.A. ; Ismail, F.B. ; Sahari, K. ; Weria, K. ; Moslem, Y. ; Izaizi, R. ; Abdollahian, M.