Browsing by Author Fuad, N.A.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Image processing of an agriculture produce: Determination of size and ripeness of a bananaMustafa, N.B.A. ; Fuad, N.A. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. ; Ali, Z. ; Wong, B.Y. ; Sharrif, Z.A.Md. 
2008Image processing of an agriculture produce: Determination of size and ripeness of a bananaMustafa, N.B.A. ; Fuad, N.A. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. ; Ali, Z. ; Wong, B.Y. ; Sharrif, Z.A.Md.