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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment 2013 (ICEE 2013) | Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Bin Shamsuddin, A.H. ; Bin Ahmad, I. ; Bin Mohamed Desa, M.N. ; Bte Md Din, N. ; Bte Mohd, L. ; Hamid, N.A. ; See, O.H. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Yong, L.C. ; Pasupuleti, J. ; Mei, G.S. ; Bin Abdullah, F. ; Satgunam, M. |
2011 | A computational intelligence scheme for the prediction of the daily peak load | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Nagi, F. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2014 | Brushless DC motor driver interfacing with the eZdsp-F2812 fuzzy controller | Nagi, F. ; Agileswari, K.R. ; Nagi, J. |
2012 | Comparison of supervised learning techniques for non-technical loss detection in power utility | Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Nagi, J. ; Koh, J.S.P. ; Nagi, F. |
2012 | Comparison of supervised learning techniques for non-technical loss detection in power utility | Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Nagi, J. ; Koh, J.S.P. ; Nagi, F. |
2013 | Comparison study of computational parameter values between LRN and NARX in identifying nonlinear systems | Nordin, F.H. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Zainul Abidin, A.A. |
2013 | Comparison study of computational parameter values between LRN and NARX in identifying nonlinear systems | Nordin, F.H. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Zainul Abidin, A.A. |
2009 | Cross phase polarization algorithm for fault direction determination using zero crossing method to determine phase difference | Abidin, A.A.B.Z. ; Ramasamy, A. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Nagi, F.H. |
2009 | Determination of overcurrent time delay using fuzzy logic relays | Bin Zainul Abidin, A.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Abidin, I.B.Z. |
2011 | Digital signal processor based over-current relay using fuzzy logic controller | Goh, Y.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. |
2011 | Digital signal processor based over-current relay using fuzzy logic controller | Goh, Y.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. |
2011 | Double cooling coil model for non-linear HVAC system using RLF method | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. |
2013 | DSP based fuzzy and conventional overcurrent relay controller comparisons | Goh, Y.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Zainul Abidin, A.A. |
2013 | DSP based fuzzy and conventional overcurrent relay controller comparisons | Goh, Y.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Zainul Abidin, A.A. |
2011 | DSP based overcurrent relay using fuzzy bang-bang controller | Goh, Y.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. |
2011 | DSP based overcurrent relay using fuzzy bang-bang controller | Goh, Y.L. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Nagi, F.H. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. |
2011 | Erratum: Double cooling coil model for non-linear HVAC system using RLF method (Energy and Buildings (2011) 43 (2043-2054)) | Homod, R.Z. ; Sahari, K.S.M. ; Almurib, H.A.F. ; Nagi, F.H. |
2009 | Fuzzy bang-bang relay control of a single-axis active magnetic bearing system | Nagi, F.H. ; Inayat-Hussain, J.I. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2009 | Fuzzy bang-bang relay control of a single-axis active magnetic bearing system | Nagi, F.H. ; Inayat-Hussain, J.I. ; Ahmed, S.K. |