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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | A computational intelligence scheme for the prediction of the daily peak load | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Nagi, F. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2008 | A hybrid ART-GRNN online learning neural network with a ε-insensitive loss function | Yap, K.S. ; Lim, C.P. ; Abidin, I.Z. |
2013 | A hybrid fuzzy logic and extreme learning machine for improving efficiency of circulating water systems in power generation plant | Aziz, N.L.A.A. ; Yap, K.S. ; Bunyamin, M.A. |
2013 | A hybrid genetic algorithm and linear regression for prediction of NOx emission in power generation plant | Bunyamin, M.A. ; Yap, K.S. ; Aziz, N.L.A.A. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Wong, S.Y. ; Kamal, M.F. |
2011 | A new multi agent system based on online sequential extreme learning machines and Bayesian Formalism | Yap, K.S. |
2016 | A novel method of BFOA-LSSVM for electricity price forecasting | Razak, I.A.W.A. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Yap, K.S. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Ahmad, A. |
2015 | A Truly Online Learning Algorithm using Hybrid Fuzzy ARTMAP and Online Extreme Learning Machine for Pattern Classification | Wong, S.Y. ; Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. ; Tan, S.C. |
2007 | Abnormalities and fraud electric meter detection using hybrid support vector machine & genetic algorithm | Yap, K.S. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Ahmad, A.R. ; Hussien, Z.F. ; Pok, H.L. ; Ismail, F.I. ; Mohamad, A.M. |
2014 | An ELM based multi agent systems using certified belief in strength | Yaw, C.T. ; Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. ; Amirulddin, U.A.U. |
2018 | An ELM based multi-agent system and its applications to power generation | Yaw, C.T. ; Wong, S.Y. ; Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. ; Amirulddin, U.A.U. ; Tan, S.C. |
2010 | An enhanced generalized adaptive resonance theory neural network and its application to medical pattern classification | Yap, K.S. ; Lim, C.P. ; Mohamad-Saleh, J. |
2014 | Application of fuzzy inference rules to early semi-automatic estimation of activity duration in software project management | Tan, C.H. ; Yap, K.S. ; Ishibuchi, H. ; Nojima, Y. ; Yap, H.J. |
2012 | Application of genetic algorithm for fuzzy rules optimization on semi expert judgment automation using Pittsburg approach | Tan, C.H. ; Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. |
2012 | Comparison of supervised learning techniques for non-technical loss detection in power utility | Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Nagi, J. ; Koh, J.S.P. ; Nagi, F. |
2012 | Comparison of supervised learning techniques for non-technical loss detection in power utility | Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Nagi, J. ; Koh, J.S.P. ; Nagi, F. |
2013 | Compressing and improving fuzzy rules using genetic algorithm and its application to fault detection | Yap, K.S. ; Wong, S.Y. ; Tiong, S.K. |
2011 | A computational intelligence scheme for the prediction of the daily peak load | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Nagi, F. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2014 | Constrained–Optimization-based Bayesian posterior probability extreme learning machine for pattern classification | Wong, S.Y. ; Yap, K.S. |
2012 | Daily maximum load forecasting of consecutive national holidays using OSELM-based multi-agents system with weighted average strategy | Yap, K.S. ; Yap, H.J. |