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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | A computational intelligence scheme for the prediction of the daily peak load | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Nagi, F. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2010 | Automated breast profile segmentation for ROI detection using digital mammograms | Nagi, J. ; Abdul Kareem, S. ; Nagi, F. ; Khaleel Ahmed, S. |
2014 | Brushless DC motor driver interfacing with the eZdsp-F2812 fuzzy controller | Nagi, F. ; Agileswari, K.R. ; Nagi, J. |
2012 | Comparison of supervised learning techniques for non-technical loss detection in power utility | Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Nagi, J. ; Koh, J.S.P. ; Nagi, F. |
2012 | Comparison of supervised learning techniques for non-technical loss detection in power utility | Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Nagi, J. ; Koh, J.S.P. ; Nagi, F. |
2011 | A computational intelligence scheme for the prediction of the daily peak load | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Nagi, F. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2008 | Detection of abnormalities and electricity theft using genetic support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Mohammad, A.M. |
2008 | Detection of abnormalities and electricity theft using genetic support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Mohammad, A.M. |
2008 | Dual-tone multifrequency signal detection using support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Yap, K.S. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2008 | Dual-tone multifrequency signal detection using support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Yap, K.S. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2011 | Fuzzy time-optimal controller (FTOC) for second order nonlinear systems | Nagi, F. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Zularnain, A.T. ; Nagi, J. |
2011 | Improving SVM-based nontechnical loss detection in power utility using the fuzzy inference system | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Nagi, F. |
2011 | Improving SVM-based nontechnical loss detection in power utility using the fuzzy inference system | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Nagi, F. |
2008 | Intelligent detection of DTMF tones using a hybrid signal processing technique with support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Nagi, F. |
2008 | Intelligent detection of DTMF tones using a hybrid signal processing technique with support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Nagi, F. |
2008 | Non-technical loss analysis for detection of electricity theft using support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Mohammad, A.M. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2008 | Non-technical loss analysis for detection of electricity theft using support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Mohammad, A.M. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. |
2010 | Nontechnical loss detection for metered customers in power utility using support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Mohamad, M. |
2010 | Nontechnical loss detection for metered customers in power utility using support vector machines | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Mohamad, M. |
2010 | NTL detection of electricity theft and abnormalities for large power consumers in TNB malaysia | Nagi, J. ; Yap, K.S. ; Nagi, F. ; Tiong, S.K. ; Koh, S.P. ; Ahmed, S.K. |