Browsing by Author Mohamad, H.

Showing results 1 to 13 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A reinforcement learning-based routing scheme for cognitive radio ad hoc networksAl-Rawi, H.A.A. ; Yau, K.-L.A. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ramli, N. ; Hashim, W. 
2015Analog Network Coding for chain topology in non-mutual transmissionSaleh, V. ; Rusli, M.E. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Mohamad, H. 
2015Analog Network Coding for chain topology in non-mutual transmissionSaleh, V. ; Rusli, M.E. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Mohamad, H. 
2014Channel selection in multi-hop cognitive radio network using reinforcement learning: An experimental studySyed, A.R. ; Yau, K.L.A. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ramli, N. ; Hashim, W. 
2014Clustering algorithms for Cognitive Radio networks: A surveyYau, K.-L.A. ; Ramli, N. ; Hashim, W. ; Mohamad, H. 
2013Cognitive radio activities in Malaysia: Spectrum utilization and open issuesYau, K.-L.A. ; Azizan, A. ; Mohamad, H. ; Hashim, W. ; Ramli, N. ; Lee, H.J. 
2014Effects of network characteristics on learning mechanism for routing in cognitive radio ad hoc networksAl-Rawi, H.A.A. ; Yau, K.-L.A. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ramli, N. ; Hashim, W. 
2013Electromagnetic spectrum survey of the environment in a locality in Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAbood, W.A. ; Din, N.M. ; Ismail, A. ; Mohamad, H. 
2013Electromagnetic spectrum survey of the environment in a locality in Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAbood, W.A. ; Din, N.M. ; Ismail, A. ; Mohamad, H. 
2018Implementation of GUI in the determination of critical clearing angle using the OMIB and equal area criterionSalim, N.A. ; Abd Samat, A.A. ; Othman, M.M. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ab Aziz, N.F. ; Rahmat, N.A. 
2003Measurements and radiation distribution along the structure of a mobile phoneZain, A.F.M. ; Rhazali, Z.A. ; Mohamad, S. 
2014Reinforcement learning for routing in cognitive radio ad hoc networksAl-Rawi, H.A.A. ; Yau, K.-L.A. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ramli, N. ; Hashim, W. 
2013Spectrum survey for reliable communications of cognitive radio based smart grid networkAqilah, W.F. ; Jayavalan, S. ; Aripin, N.M. ; Mohamad, H. ; Ismail, A.