Browsing by Author Ghani, A.B.A.

Showing results 1 to 16 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Analysis and characterization of water tree condition in XLPE cables from dielectric spectroscopy measurement in frequency domainThayoob, Y.H.M. ; Visvanathan, Y.S. ; Ahmed, S.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. 
2012Analysis of cable insulation condition using dielectric spectroscopy and polarization/depolarization current techniquesAriffin, A.M. ; Sulaiman, S. ; Yahya, A.Z.C. ; Ghani, A.B.A. 
2002Classification of PD patterns in XLPE cables under various soil conditions using statistical techniqueMansor, M. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ghosh, P.S. 
2008The detection of magnetic field from Partial Discharge (PD) signal in XLPE cable using inductive probeGhani, A.B.A. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. 
2011MATLAB and VHDL model of real time partial discharge detection using FPGA technologyEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. 
2011MATLAB and VHDL model of real time partial discharge detection using FPGA technologyEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. 
2010Online partial discharge counting system using microcontroller PIC 16F877A and FPGA technologyEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2010Online partial discharge counting system using microcontroller PIC 16F877A and FPGA technologyEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2010Partial discharge detection system for counting PD signals in high voltage underground cable by using FPGA technologyEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. 
2010Partial discharge detection system for counting PD signals in high voltage underground cable by using FPGA technologyEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ramasamy, A.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. 
2002Partial discharge pattern analysis using statistical technique in XLPE cable under various soil conditionsMansor, M. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ghosh, P.S. 
2007Simulated electromagnetic field profile inside and outside XLPE power cable due to partial dischargeGhani, A.B.A. ; Shafi, H. ; Chakrabarty, C.K. 
2012VHDL implementation for measurement of the distance test distribution pattern of the Tri-Axial magnetic probe for the PD detection circuit system by using 3 GHz ADC and FPGAEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2012VHDL implementation for measurement of the distance test distribution pattern of the Tri-Axial magnetic probe for the PD detection circuit system by using 3 GHz ADC and FPGAEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2010VHDL simulation of reset automatic block, 64 bit latch block, and test complete blocks for PD detection circuit system using FPGAEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K. 
2010VHDL simulation of reset automatic block, 64 bit latch block, and test complete blocks for PD detection circuit system using FPGAEmilliano ; Chakrabarty, C.K. ; Ghani, A.B.A. ; Ramasamy, A.K.