Browsing by Author Malek, N.A.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015CFD analysis of first stage nozzle cooling optimization in power station gas turbineHasini, H. ; Fadhil, S.S.A. ; Jaafar, M.N.M. ; Malek, N.A. ; Ujir, M.H. 
2012One-dimensional analysis of the behaviour of wet steam at different inlet conditionsMalek, N.A. ; Hasini, H. ; Yusoff, M.Z. 
2015Thermal comfort investigation on a naturally ventilated twostorey residential house in MalaysiaMalek, N.A. ; Khairuddin, M.H. ; Rosli, M.F.