Browsing by Author Loo, Y.L.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010 | Development of switchgear life cycle cost analysis software | Loo, Y.L. ; Yaw, C.T. ; Hashim, A.H. ; AMMohamad ; Faizah, M.K. ; Noormala, A. |
2017 | A generic agent-based dynamic process simulation framework: A self-adaptive modelling approach | Loo, Y.L. ; Tang, A.Y.C. ; Ahmad, A. ; Mustapha, A. |
2016 | Identifying key factors in agent-based simulation model on processes in time-constrained environment | Loo, Y.L. ; Tang, A.Y.C. ; Ahmad, A. |
2016 | Towards a self-adaptive agent-based simulation model | Loo, Y.L. ; Tang, A.Y.C. ; Ahmad, A. ; Mustapha, A. |
2017 | Workflow analysis for self-Adaptive agent-based simulation model | Loo, Y.L. ; Tang, A.Y.C. ; Ahmad, A. ; Mustapha, A. |