Browsing by Author Sheng, G.C.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Current approaches in antiviral drug discovery against the Flaviviridae familyBaharuddin, A. ; Hassan, A.A. ; Sheng, G.C. ; Nasir, S.B. ; Othman, S. ; Yusof, R. ; Othman, R. ; Rahman, N.A. 
2014Current approaches in antiviral drug discovery against the Flaviviridae familyBaharuddin, A. ; Hassan, A.A. ; Sheng, G.C. ; Nasir, S.B. ; Othman, S. ; Yusof, R. ; Othman, R. ; Rahman, N.A.