Browsing by Author Leedham, E.C.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Can seaweed farming in the tropics contribute to climate change through emission of short-lived halocarbons?Phang, S.-M. ; Keng, F.S.-L. ; Paramjeet-Kaur, M.S. ; Lim, Y.-K. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Leedham, E.C. ; Robinson, A.D. ; Harris, N.R.P. ; Pyle, J.A. ; Sturges, W.T. 
2015Can seaweed farming in the tropics contribute to climate change through emission of short-lived halocarbons?Phang, S.-M. ; Keng, F.S.-L. ; Paramjeet-Kaur, M.S. ; Lim, Y.-K. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Leedham, E.C. ; Robinson, A.D. ; Harris, N.R.P. ; Pyle, J.A. ; Sturges, W.T. 
2013Volatile halocarbon emissions by three tropical brown seaweeds under different irradiancesKeng, F.S.-L. ; Phang, S.-M. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Leedham, E.C. ; Hughes, C. ; Robinson, A.D. ; Harris, N.R.P. ; Pyle, J.A. ; Sturges, W.T.