Browsing by Author Khalid, N.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Banana, gingers and papaya cell cultures for high throughput agricultureKhalid, N. ; Chee, W.W. ; Bokhari, F. ; Kiat, T.S. ; Idris, F.D. ; Mohamad, M. ; Ibrahim, H. ; Annuar, S. ; Othman, R.Y. ; Rahman, N.A. 
2015Distribution of flavonoids and cyclohexenyl chalcone derivatives in conventional propagated and in vitro-derived field-grown Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf.Tan, B.C. ; Tan, S.K. ; Wong, S.M. ; Ata, N. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Khalid, N. 
2015Distribution of flavonoids and cyclohexenyl chalcone derivatives in conventional propagated and in vitro-derived field-grown Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf.Tan, B.C. ; Tan, S.K. ; Wong, S.M. ; Ata, N. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Khalid, N. 
2008Docking of noncompetitive inhibitors into dengue virus type 2 protease: Understanding the interactions with allosteric binding sitesOthman, R. ; Kiat, T.S. ; Khalid, N. ; Yusof, R. ; Newhouse, E.I. ; Newhouse, J.S. ; Alam, M. ; Rahman, N.A. 
2006Inhibitory activity of cyclohexenyl chalcone derivatives and flavonoids of fingerroot, Boesenbergia rotunda (L.), towards dengue-2 virus NS3 proteaseKiat, T.S. ; Pippen, R. ; Yusof, R. ; Ibrahim, H. ; Khalid, N. ; Rahman, N.A. 
2011Optimization of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis protocols for boesenbergia rotunda in vitro suspension cultureChong, T.E. ; Teck, F.G. ; Ming, W.S. ; Rahman, N.A. ; Khalid, N. ; Karsani, S.A. ; Othman, S. ; Yusof, R.