Browsing by Author Gunasekaran, S.S.
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | A hybrid algorithm for improving the quality of service in MANET | Hassan, M.H. ; Mostafa, S.A. ; Budiyono, A. ; Mustapha, A. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2013 | Analyzing students records to identify patterns of students' performance | Hoe, A.C.K. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Hooi, T.C. ; Shanmugam, M. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. ; Cob, Z.C. ; Ramasamy, A. |
2016 | An autonomy viability assessment matrix for agent-based autonomous systems | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Ahmad, A. ; Annamalai, M. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2013 | A conceptual model of layered adjustable autonomy | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Annamalai, M. ; Ahmad, A. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2014 | Defining tasks and actions complexity-levels via their deliberation intensity measures in the layered adjustable autonomy model | Mostafa, S.A. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Ahmad, A. ; Annamalai, M. ; Mustapha, A. |
2013 | A dynamically adjustable autonomic agent framework | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Annamalai, M. ; Ahmad, A. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2013 | The emergence of collective intelligence | Gunasekaran, S.S. ; Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. |
2017 | A Flexible Human-Agent Interaction model for supervised autonomous systems | Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Ahmad, A. ; Annamalai, M. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2015 | Formulating dynamic agents’ operational state via situation awareness assessment | Mostafa, S.A. ; Sharifuddin Ahmad, M. ; Annamalai, M. ; Ahmad, A. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |
2016 | Identifying variables dependency that influences a high level deliberation process in a CI-based Multi-Agent System | Gunasekaran, S.S. ; Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. ; Tang, A.Y.C. |
2014 | Personal and extended intelligence in collective emergence | Gunasekaran, S.S. ; Mostafa, S.A. ; Ahmad, M.S. |
2017 | Review on the role of social support in health information systems | Visvalingam, A. ; Dhillon, J.S. ; Gunasekaran, S.S. |