Browsing by Author
Alrazi, B
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | A comprehensive literature review on, and the construction of a framework for, environmental legitimacy, accountability and proactivity | Alrazi, B. ; De Villiers, C. ; Van Staden, C.J. |
Sep-2016 | Board characteristics, country of origin and the decision to participate in the cdp's water programme | Bakhtiar bin Alrazi ; Inaliah Mohd Ali ; Norhayati Mat Husin |
Sep-2016 | The development and application of water governance model: a case in Malaysia | Bakhtiar bin Alrazi ; Atina Rahmah Bt Mohd Remali @ Abdul Jalil ; Norhayati Mat Husin ; Inaliah Mohd Ali |
2016 | Energy Reporting Practices among Top Energy Intensive Industries in Malaysia | Tasrip, N.E. ; Husin, N.M. ; Alrazi, B. |
2017 | Environmental, social and governance and the efficiency of government-linked companies in Malaysia | Kweh, Q.L. ; Alrazi, B. ; Chan, Y.C. ; Abdullah, W.M.T.W. ; Lee, R.M.A. |
2013 | Measuring the quality of sustainability disclosure among the Malaysian commercial banks | Harun, N.A. ; Rashid, A.A. ; Alrazi, B. |
2016 | The environmental disclosures of the electricity generation industry: a global perspective | Alrazi, B. ; de Villiers, C. ; Van Staden, C.J. |