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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Computational analysis of single and multiple impacts of low pressure and high pressure cold sprayed aluminum particles using SPHYusof, S.N.A. ; Manap, A. ; Misran, H. ; Othman, S.Z. 
2014Experimental and SPH study of cold spray impact between similar and dissimilar metalsManap, A. ; Nooririnah, O. ; Misran, H. ; Okabe, T. ; Ogawa, K. 
2013Modified combustion synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using renewable fuelShah, N.N.H. ; Misran, H. ; Razak, N.A.A. ; Salim, M.A. ; Othman, S.Z. ; Manap, A. 
2014Nonsurfactant synthesis and characterizations of metal-organic framework MOF-5 materials using fatty alcoholsMisran, H. ; Othman, S.Z. ; Manap, A. ; Pauzi, N.I.M. ; Ramesh, S. 
2014Settlement prediction of soil at closed dumping area using power creep function and simulated by monte Carlo simulation methodPauzi, N.I.M. ; Omar, H. ; Misran, H. ; Othman, S.Z. ; Manap, A.