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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | 2012 IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, PEOCO 2012 - Conference Proceedings: Foreword | Abidin, I.Z. |
2008 | A hybrid ART-GRNN online learning neural network with a ε-insensitive loss function | Yap, K.S. ; Lim, C.P. ; Abidin, I.Z. |
2016 | A novel method of BFOA-LSSVM for electricity price forecasting | Razak, I.A.W.A. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Yap, K.S. ; Abidin, A.A.Z. ; Rahman, T.K.A. ; Ahmad, A. |
2016 | A novel Zigbee-based data acquisition system for distributed photovoltaic generation in smart grid | Zahurul, S. ; Mariun, N. ; Kah, L. ; Hizam, H. ; Othman, M.L. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Norman, Y. |
2018 | A power system network splitting strategy based on contingency analysis | Saharuddin, N.Z. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Mokhlis, H. ; Abdullah, A.R. ; Naidu, K. |
2008 | A study on static voltage collapse proximity indicators | Verayiah, R. ; Abidin, I.Z. |
2007 | Abnormalities and fraud electric meter detection using hybrid support vector machine & genetic algorithm | Yap, K.S. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Ahmad, A.R. ; Hussien, Z.F. ; Pok, H.L. ; Ismail, F.I. ; Mohamad, A.M. |
2014 | Adaptive and automatic Closed-Loop coordinated voltage control based model for optimal voltage control: A Case Study | Abdullah, S.K.S. ; Sarmin, M.K.N.M. ; Saadun, N. ; Azmi, M.T. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Musirin, I. |
2009 | Adaptive protection for voltage instability mitigation scenario | Abidin, I.Z. ; Ahmad, N. ; Zahidi, R.A. ; Hashim, H. ; Hussein, Z.F. ; Omar, Y.R. ; Hashim, A.H. |
2009 | Adaptive protection for voltage instability mitigation scenario | Abidin, I.Z. ; Ahmad, N. ; Zahidi, R.A. ; Hashim, H. ; Hussein, Z.F. ; Omar, Y.R. ; Hashim, A.H. |
2016 | Ambient temperature effect on Amorphous Silicon (A-Si) Photovoltaic module using sensing technology | Zahurul, S. ; Mariun, N. ; Othman, M.L. ; Hizam, H. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Toudeshki, A. |
2010 | An analysis of transient stability using center-of-inertia: Angle and speed | Hashim, H. ; Zulkepali, M.R. ; Omar, Y.R. ; Ismail, N. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Yusof, S. |
2013 | An evolutionary programming approach to optimize synchronous generator input power using area-based transient stability indexes | Hashim, H. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Musirin, I. ; Siah Yap, K. ; Omar, Y.R. ; Zulkepali, M.R. |
2010 | An analysis of transient stability using center-of-inertia: Angle and speed | Hashim, H. ; Zulkepali, M.R. ; Omar, Y.R. ; Ismail, N. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Yusof, S. |
2016 | Assessment of critical loads instigating voltage instability in transmission network using novel load tracing capable index LQP_LT and PSS/E tools validation | Verayiah, R. ; Mohamed, A. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Shareef, H. |
2013 | Changes in fault current levels due to renewable embedded generation in a distribution network | Alvin, T.G.M. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Hashim, H. |
2012 | Communication for Distributed Renewable Generations (DRGs): A review on the penetration to Smart Grids (SGs) | Islam, S.Z. ; Mariun, N. ; Hizam, H. ; Othman, M.L. ; Radzi, M.A.M. ; Hanif, M. ; Abidin, I.Z. |
2015 | A conceptual model for inter-state corporate waqf financing for higher learning | Shamsudin, A.F. ; Hashim, J. ; Wan Yusof, W.S. ; Yusof, A. ; Mohamad, S. ; Yusof, A.M. ; Zainudin, N.H. ; Hashim, H. ; Abidin, I.Z. |
2010 | Congestion management based optimization technique using bee colony | Rahim, M.A. ; Musirin, I. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Othman, M.M. ; Joshi, D. |
2010 | Contingency based congestion management and cost minimization using bee colony optimization technique | Rahim, M.N.A. ; Musirin, I. ; Abidin, I.Z. ; Othman, M.M. |